Hope Sharing Family Association

We believe that people are people, no matter their circumstances or experiences, and that their value is intrinsic and immeasurable.

Sponsor A Child

Sponsoring a child through our programs offers a profound way to make a lasting impact, whether as an individual or a corporation. Individual sponsors directly support a child's education, healthcare, and basic needs, fostering a personal connection and witnessing their transformation.

Corporate sponsorship enables businesses to contribute significantly by supporting multiple children or entire programs, enhancing their social responsibility and brand reputation. By joining our sponsorship programs, you help provide hope, opportunity, and a brighter future for every child we serve, making you an essential part of our mission.


Volunteers are the backbone of our organization, and we offer diverse opportunities for you to contribute your time and skills. Locally, you can join us in Mityana District to make a direct impact on the ground, while remote volunteering allows you to support us from anywhere by assisting with administrative tasks, fundraising, and more.

Additionally, we welcome professionals who can provide pro bono expertise in areas such as healthcare, education, and community development. Your involvement, whether local or remote, plays a crucial role in advancing our mission and enhancing the lives of those we serve.

Corporate Partnerships

At HOSFA, we understand the transformative power of collaboration and actively seek partnerships at local, corporate, and international levels to enhance our impact. Locally, we team up with community organizations and government entities, such as Unbound, Mityana Joy Child Development Centre, and Caritas Uganda, to tailor our programs to the specific needs of the communities we serve.

We invite businesses to join us as corporate partners, leveraging their resources and commitment to social responsibility to expand our reach. Internationally, we collaborate with global organizations to access additional expertise and resources, amplifying our ability to make a difference.


Your financial contributions are vital to the success of our programs. Donations can be made as one-time gifts or on a recurring basis. Every contribution, no matter the size, helps us provide essential services to children and families in need.

Whether you choose to make a single donation or set up a regular giving schedule, your support helps us to maintain and expand our programs. Recurring donations provide us with a steady and reliable source of funding, allowing us to plan and execute our initiatives with greater confidence. Every gift, big or small, has a meaningful impact and helps us to continue making a difference in the lives of those we serve. Thank you for your generosity and commitment to our cause.


At HOSFA, we are dedicated to raising awareness about the challenges faced by children and families in Mityana District and advocating for their rights. You can support our mission by engaging in social media advocacy—sharing our stories and campaigns on platforms like Facebook and Twitter to expand our reach and mobilize support.

Additionally, community advocacy is vital; speak out in local forums, organize events, and connect with local organizations to highlight these issues and promote our work. Your involvement in both arenas is crucial for building a compassionate and informed support network, ensuring that every child and family receives the assistance and opportunities they deserve.

As a community development organization, we work hand in hand with community structures and other local partner organizations and local government to diminish the impact of poverty on children.